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Beachy And Blair Abstract Algebra Waveland Press 3rd Edition

Beachy And Blair Abstract Algebra Waveland Press 3rd Edition

A copy that has been read, but remains in clean condition. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. The spine may show signs of wear. Pages can include limited notes and highlighting, and the copy can include previous owner inscriptions.

Linear Algebra

At ThriftBooks, our motto is: Read More, Spend Less. Abstract Algebra by William D. Blair; John A.

J Beachy And W Blair Abstract Algebra Fourth Edition

Abstract algebra third edition solutions

Beachy A copy that has been read, but remains in clean condition. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. The spine may show signs of wear.

Beachy And Blair Abstract Algebra Waveland Press 3rd Edition 2017

Pages can include limited notes and highlighting, and the copy can include previous owner inscriptions. At ThriftBooks, our motto is: Read More, Spend Less.

University of South CarolinaInstructorOfficeLeConte 400GPhone777-8874E-mailboylan@math.sc.eduOffice hoursMon. 2:30 - 3:30Tues. 10 - 11And by appointment.Course information:. Prerequisite:Math 241. Text:Abstract Algebra,by Beachy and Blair, 3rd ed., Waveland Press (2006). Course objectives:Students will master concepts and solve problems on permutationand abstract groups, subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms,isomorphisms, direct products, and rings.

This course is the firstof a two-semester sequence. Class schedule:Section 001MWF10:10 - 11:00LeConte 303B.:Problem sets will be assigned each week and will be due the following Monday. They may be turned in during class on Mondays or to my mailboxany time before 3 pm on the due date.


Some of the assigned problemswill be graded. You will be graded on both the correctness of yoursolutions and on the quality of your exposition (i.e., how well you write the solution). You are encouraged to discuss problems with other studentsin the class. However, you must write solutions to the problemsyourself (in your own words).

Exam schedule:(3 one-hour exams and a cumulative final exam)Exam 1:FridaySeptember 1810:10 - 11:00LeConte 303BExam 2:WednesdayOctober 2110:10 - 11:00LeConte 303BExam 3:FridayNovember 2010:10 - 11:00LeConte 303BFinal Exam:TuesdayDecember 89:00 - 12:00LeConte 303BMissed exams will not be made up. Exceptions may be made fordocumented illness/family emergency. Calculators(and computer software such as Maple) may beused on homework unless otherwise noted. They may not be used on exams. Grading:Points/650% of gradeThree hour exams:100 pts. X 315% x 3Final exam:200 pts.30%Homework:150 pts.25%Total:650 pts.100%Graduate credit:Students enrolled in 701I are expected to do a term project, dueat the end of the semester.Extra credit will not be offered.Letter gradeswill be assigned according to the followingapproximate scale unless otherwise noted:ABCDF90 - 10080 - 9070 - 8060 - 700 - 60Note:The deadline to drop without a WF is Thursday, October 1.

Other policies:Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned offor put on silent or vibrate mode during class meetings. Homework andexam grades may be discussed only up to 7 days after being returned. Other help resources:(free drop-in tutoring at various locations on campus, including LeConte 105),(546 websites from past semesters). Syllabus (which contains all of theabove information):Lectures and Homework:LecturesHomeworkDatesSectionsTopicsProblemsHW due dateAugustWeek 121FIntroduction to basic structures.Week 224M2.1Functions.